
starting steps

somewhere with elevators

there's nothing like a little snow to get you going

How to get there?

doodle joy

a little white makes you want to paint a lot of colors

when paintings grow space diminishes

start small

colored walls?

I wish I could skip everything and just paint...

all the shows have ended for the summer so I've headed north

Solo Show @ Azura (it's always best to have a deadline)

Brandywine Festival of The Arts


Robert Straight at Schmidt Dean

see things in a new way

The Back Porch Cafe Show

A new way to organize

The Always Open Exhibition

44th Annual St. Peter's Art Show

I'm a believer!

Creativity, "being" a genius or "having" a genius

make art for everyone!

a sneak peak

Article in the Cape Gazette

Counting Colors

Underpainting Importance

Procrastinate no longer