St. Peter's Show

It was in the upper 80's/low 90's with a bit of cloud cover along with some sun, the perfect weather for an art show. We had a fantastic turnout and I was able to meet many new people, put faces to some names I had already known and saw many of my wonderful supporters (friends and family). Thank you so much everyone who stopped by!

This year we decided to set up earlier than normal, or so we thought. Driving over we assumed no one would be up so early, but many of the artists were early birds and already setting up. I'm so glad we were able to set up early to have a bit of time to relax. Not to mention enough time to iron out glitches, like putting the wrong side of the tent forward and setting up everything underneath. We were able to find some extra help and moved the tent slowly and carefully out into the street in order to spin the tent around and put the front actually in the front. We also almost forgot to put up the banner, whoops. Luckily both of my parents were helping with set up and had realized it before the show started, an easy fix. All in all I've learned the earlier the better and I think maybe I'll start a check off list just to make sure we've got everything.

I was super psyched to find out that it would be perfect conditions to hang paintings on the outside walls. I love that you can see bright colors from down the street.

Notice anything different? We added carpet to the display this year! I must say it is much softer to stand on.

We headed over to the Farmer's Market and found these huge and absolutely beautiful sun flowers, gorgeous!

At this show we debuted fine art magnets (it was a suggestion from my aunt that was very popular).

I couldn't have asked for anything better, the weather, the people, the location, everything was wonderful! Thanks for everyone who came by and everyone who helped me with the set up/ take down of the show, I wouldn't be able to do this without you!
