I'm working on my narrative and anti-narrative painting now, and trying to use glazes as well as thicker paint to play off of each other. I'm experimenting with both of them trying to get the look I want. I'm also working with lighting, and the way light can be expressed in a painting really interests me. While I was home last weekend, I went to a small gallery and I saw a show that really interested me. This painter worked with light, and the way he expressed it was really amazing. He painted mostly landscapes, and worked with how the light reflected off of different parts of a landscape, and how light shows through, for example trees in a forest. The way he captured this lighting really caught me attention and has made me interested in this type of lighting. The lighting was really beautiful in all of his paintings. I'm really glad I was able to see his show, now I want to look for other artist with similar ideas about lighting, and see how they created it in their paintings.
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